Saturday, April 24, 2010

Freshman year over

I know it sounds cliche but it seriously feels like my freshman year of college just began yesterday. I thought my high school years went fast, but it moved at a turtle's pace compared to how fast college goes.

Seriously, I only posted 6 times on here--that's how fast it flew by! This week will be full of tests, my piano juries, cleaning, packing, tennis meets, and working, on top of trying to spend time with friends who I won't see over the summer!

For anyone who doesn't know, my summer will be spent at Glacier National Park in Montana. On the weekdays I'll be working 40 hours/week doing housekeeping in the East Glacier Lodge. Then on Sunday, I am working with a few other college students putting on church services for the visitors in the park. This is all through an organization called Christian Ministries in National Parks. It will definitely be a summer of working, enjoying the outdoors, and ministry. I will also be taking abnormal psychology online which will take some of my free time I'm sure. So, if anyone would like to come visit me from May 18th-August 29th, that would be much appreciated!!

I'm going to post a few pictures from the past year which kind of outlines different things I've gotten to do since being here

Giraffe at Como Zoo

Flowers at the Como Gardens
Pretty Gerbera Daisies from Kevin
Valentines Bouquet :)

At the Guthrie Theater
Going to one of Kevin's shows at Club 3 Degrees

At the Timberwolves vs. Clippers game

Mary Poppins at the Orpheum Theater

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flower extravaganza

These pictures are mainly for mom, but they are of a flower show in Macy's that I went to a few days ago.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dear Jeremy

Dear Jeremy,
I have decided to dedicate this blog to you because of your lack of faith in my blog. In doing so, I'd like to reminisce about the many times we've had together. I don't think anyone in the history of the world has been teased more than I have by you. Unfortunately, I also feel like you will think you have the liberty of teasing me until I die.
Memory #1. You meet the family and we instantly "bond" because you were toasty...
Memory #2. Uhmmmm, pretty much all I re member from meeting you until age 12 was "the claw," "the wiggle worm," the "bunny," "seven tortures," and lots and lots of painful tickling.
Memory #3. You paging me in the Minneapolis airport when I was sitting right next to you.
Memory #4. You singing "Jessica Traudt told me to take my pants off, because it was hot outside!!!!!," in the McDonalds drive-thru.
Memory #5. You making me cry during Phase 10.
Memory #6. Jessica Traudt Day.
Memory #7. You always picking on me because of a certain boy from church...................
Memory #8. Making me bowl a 6 because you wouldn't stop making fun of me.
Memory #9. Tripping in front of an old woman in Cub foods with David.
Memory #10. You calling me every time you hear "If you wanna play in Texas..."

That's all for now,... but now you can't say that the everyday blog has died.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We skipped fall and arrived at winter

Hi everyone!
So, I left Minnesota thursday evening to about 80 degree weather and came back sunday night to pouring rain and freezing cold temperatures! I'm not sure exactly how cold it was, but I had shorts and a t-shirt on and that was not enough clothes! Right now it's 44 degrees and I just got back from this outdoor rally in the park next to us called Reign Down. I had my pea coat, jeans, mittens, and a scarf and I still could have been warmer. Can't wait 'til the actual winter!! :/

Tonight was one of our first real musical practices for the "Fantasticks". It was a choreography only rehearsal and I had a blast! We choreographed two songs today. One called "the abduction scene" where we play indians and cavalry, and the other was called "Pay" where we do a lot of creating the scene as he sings through the song. I actually met everyone today and I think had a small conversation with all of them which was really good. It will be fun to get to know everyone better at rehearsals.

School has been going good...I feel like I have a good handle on my homework and so far have good grades in my classes. I do have 2 tests this week though so we'll see after that.

This past weekend I got to go home for the Norris Musical "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". It was really cute and they did a really good job on it! I thought I would miss being in the production a lot, but I just enjoyed watching it from the seats instead.

Well, this is one of my only nights I've had without much homework, so I think I'm gonna go and just enjoy it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Too long

Oops. I thought I would be able to keep up with this, but I don't might just be a monthly publication. But anyways, rather than type a lot about what's been going on since the last time I posted, I think I'll just try to put some pics on here.

My room when I first moved in

My roomate and I before "SACadelic"

Jill and I at Applebees during the Lifelight festival

The Old Mill Ruins a couple blocks from school
Our beds after rearranging again today

My desk...nice and clean!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The start of something new?

Well, here we go...I haven't decided if getting a blog is
A. a sign of maturity
B. like going back to my middle school days of using Xanga....or
C. getting old and boring....

I'm not sure yet, but I'll continue it as long as I have time and as long as I enjoy doing it I guess. First my sisters had blogs and then my brother, then finally my mom...kind of sad that I get one after my mom, but at least I beat my dad. Hmm...that'll be the day.

Well, I'm sitting in Minnesota right now with one day before embarking on the next "chapter" of my life. I've been excited about this day for the last 4 years, and I've been waiting for that wave of dread to come over me, but it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully the optimism continues. We'll see what my posts look like when homework is in full swing and the newness has died down.

Mom and I drove up to Steph's(my sister's) house this afternoon with my car loaded to the top with clothes, a chair, books, backpack, shoes, laundry detergent, and a very traumatized pink beta fish named Willie. I'm generally a pretty optimistic person so the thought of Willie not surviving the trip never crossed my mind until we had got here, sat down to eat dinner, and I realized Willie was still sitting in a crockpot in the warming car. I ran outside and fortunately, he was still alive....swimming like he had gotten extremely seasick on the trip up, but nevertheless, swimming! Thank goodness I didn't have to experience his death... :/

Tomorrow we're going to the state fair where I'm sure I'll get a start on the freshman 15. Jeremy (brother-in-law), has convinced me that I'm going to love chocolate covered bacon, but I guess that's one thing that will have to be tried before I'm going to admit to liking. Sounds disgusting, but we'll see.

Well, I should probably get to sleep and try to get 'rid of these allergies or a cold that I've contracted in the last few days.